Everyone, it seems, no matter if they're a camper, a counselor or somewhere in between, gets something out of YMCA Camp. Here's a great story from Charlie, who came to camp to learn and lead:
As I write my story of camp, kneeling in the sun of a brisk Horsethief afternoon, I have three years to reflect upon.
I arrived as a Leader-in-Training (LIT). I signed up for two weeks. I had never had an experience remotely similar to camp, and I was enthralled. At the end of the two weeks, I was confident and enthusiastic, high as a kite, eager to come back.
What brought me back next summer and the summer after that was obvious. I didn't come to expand my social group, though I did through the process. I didn't come to boat or shoot arrows. I came to camp to learn from people I admired; at least, looking back, I realize this is what I mostly took away and what I craved in coming back.
My LIT leaders talked to me, respected me and treated me like a contemporary who they happened to be teaching. My counselors during my CIT (Counselor-in-Training) stint did the same. They valued my opinion and took an interest in my life. On top of all this, they taught me.
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