While most kids looking for a summer job are just looking to make money, it's evident that our counselors at YMCA Camp: Horsethief Reservoir are there for much more.
Katie started along her road to camp counselor as a curious Leader-In-Training attending Y Camp for the first time. From the start, she was sold on the Y Camp experience, recognizing the positive impact on our campers, our staff and herself. Here's a snippet from her Y Camp story:
Now as I am preparing for my first year as senior staff, I can hardly believe I have finally grown up enough to be a counselor all summer in the most rustic setting yet, with a paycheck — although any of my fellow counselors or anyone on the street could look at my check and know it's not the reason I chose to come to camp as a counselor.
We have 18-hour days, are subject to being woken up at any hour of the night, and have to constantly be on our best behavior knowing campers are always watching and learning from our actions.
All that may sound like torture to some people, but to me it describes the most perfect summer job I could ask for. I say this because making a positive impact on a camper's life is not only fun, but the most satisfying experience I have ever had.
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