Many people make New Year's resolutions to try something new in the coming year. For the children in your family, the Treasure Valley Family YMCA has a wonderful new experience to offer in 2011: A week of resident camp at Y Camp: Horsethief Reservoir.
Y Camp is an investment toward a successful future for your child. The 2011 resident camp season runs from June 20 to Aug. 20 and features everything from beginner camps to our popular Teen Adventure Series to youth leadership training.
Want to know what parents of past campers have to say about Y Camp? Read this sampling of Quotes from Y Camp Moms (and Dads) we compiled after 2010’s historic Grand Opening year at Horsethief:
“My son had an amazing time at camp. He got to know more kids and was able to make decisions on his own and be a bit more independent — but with great adult supervision.”
“It was her first time at camp, and she came back more confident and self-assured.”
“This was her first opportunity to be away from her parents and grandparents, her first real opportunity to be responsible for herself. She came home a little more grown up.”
“It was her first time away for an extended period (more than one night). She seemed proud of her independence and thoroughly happy with the experience. She made friends, had fun and learned a few new things.”
“He was excited about attending, and as equally excited when he returned telling me about his experiences — and had a form in hand to register for next year’s camp!”
Registration is now open for all campers — new and returning, Y members and non-members alike. Register online at ycampidaho.org, via snail mail or in person at your local Y branch. (Paper registration forms are available for download online or at the Y.)
Want to know what parents of past campers have to say about Y Camp? Read this sampling of Quotes from Y Camp Moms (and Dads) we compiled after 2010’s historic Grand Opening year at Horsethief:
“My son had an amazing time at camp. He got to know more kids and was able to make decisions on his own and be a bit more independent — but with great adult supervision.”
“It was her first time at camp, and she came back more confident and self-assured.”
“This was her first opportunity to be away from her parents and grandparents, her first real opportunity to be responsible for herself. She came home a little more grown up.”
“It was her first time away for an extended period (more than one night). She seemed proud of her independence and thoroughly happy with the experience. She made friends, had fun and learned a few new things.”
“He was excited about attending, and as equally excited when he returned telling me about his experiences — and had a form in hand to register for next year’s camp!”
Registration is now open for all campers — new and returning, Y members and non-members alike. Register online at ycampidaho.org, via snail mail or in person at your local Y branch. (Paper registration forms are available for download online or at the Y.)
In addition to registration info, the Y Camp website (ycampidaho.org) features full descriptions of all of our resident camps. Check it out today!
I get a 404 error when I try to visit your registration page.