Monday, August 8, 2011

Tips from a Y Camp Mom

One of our Y Camp Moms, Kathlyn (whose three daughters have attended Y Camp for several years), recently shared with us some tips for making the camp experience even better for your kids.

Here's one of Kathlyn's tips:

"Know that your kids are in amazing hands. The core values of the YMCA are really lived throughout the entire camp time. We raised three amazing girls who all have the wonderful ability to interact with people from all walks of life with caring and understanding, and with the gift of being able to look beyond the surface to what people are really like. I attribute a lot of this to the influences of the dedicated staff of the YMCA camps.

"It did not happen in just one year, but over the course of many years of attending camp, and then working as assistant counselors and counselors. When so many of their friends were attending fancy camps with ski boats and jet skis, they chose to continue to go back, year after year, to the Y Camp where they were encouraged to set goals for themselves and live their lives according to the core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. YMCA camp became a part of who they are. I know that, some day, they will all send their kids to camp, too."

Want to hear more about the camp experience from a parent's perspective? Read our Quotes from Y Camp Moms (and Dads)!

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