Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"I grew more in that week than in the entire previous year"


When Lauren first attended YMCA resident camp as a 12-year-old Leader-in-Training, she quickly found that her nervous and uncertain feelings were shared by others. It didn't take long that first day for Lauren's feelings to subside, and her first week at resident camp proved memorable:

Although I was pushed beyond my comfort zone, I grew more in that week than in the entire previous year. I allowed myself to be open with people — something that is not easy for me to do. But I can say that today I try to be as open and honest as possible with everyone. YMCA Camp helped me to realize that that was okay — and necessary. Although you may be nervous and afraid, there are always others feeling the same way. And that's okay.

Though I knew no one at the beginning of my first week, I grew to befriend, respect, admire and have fun with my fellow LITs and counselors, many of whom became such different people than what I had originally expected them to be. I learned the power of relationships, an aspect of life that I had not put much time or thought into.

Before that week, I had underestimated the importance of connecting with people — all sorts of people — and how that enriches your life. YMCA Camp helped me see that, and it gave me the confidence to pursue those connections. Thank you, Y Camp, for enriching my life.

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